教學大綱 Syllabus

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106 1 SE209 03207 GRCU074 205013001 T2424

遠距教學方式 Distance learning

This is an investigation in response to Covid-19.
The actual teaching method should be based on school policies and teacher announcements. ※
待規劃...to be planned...

課程資料 Course Information

科目名稱Course進階英文 Advanced English
科目代碼Course NoSE209
必/選修Required / Eective必修 required subject
教師聯絡資料Contact teachers 連結 Link
(By Personal Information Act, only the public information on the department website is provided)
往年課綱Previous syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus

課程能力 Course Ability

106 1 SE209 GRCU074 205013001

課程符合指標 Course Indicators

教學內容 Course Outline

課程概述 Course Description:

This course is mainly conducted through student reading activities and their participation.  Regular reading assignment will be given as shown in the following weekly schedule and thus a reading comprehension test will be given accordingly.

教學目標 Course Objectives:

The purpose of this course is designed to acquaint students with short prose articles with an emphasis on vocabulary and content understanding. Most of the topical passages and accompanying activities are from Advanced English 2016 issues.

教學內容 Course Outline:

第01週教綱 outline:Course Orientation / Supplementary Materials
第02週教綱 outline:Six Little-Known European Destinations – 9 / 10
第03週教綱 outline:The Art of Doing Family Well – 15 / 16 / 17
第04週教綱 outline:NO CLASS -- Mid-Autumn Festival
第05週教綱 outline:Alibaba Connects Rural Residents to Online Shipping  -- 21 / 22 
第06週教綱 outline:Automakers Continue to Make Streets Safer 3/4
第07週教綱 outline:Why Father Should Spend Time with Their Kids --- 8 / 9 / 10
第08週教綱 outline:5 Unusual Getaways --- 15 / 16
第09週教綱 outline:The Power of Storytelling --- 26 / 27
第10週教綱 outline:期中考
第11週教綱 outline:Your Online Profile is Being Used Against You – 4 / 5
第12週教綱 outline:A Home for Former Inmates --- 14 / 15 / 16
第13週教綱 outline:Movie “”Shawshank Redemption”” – Partially 
第14週教綱 outline:GIANT Continues to Lead the Way – 18 / 19
第15週教綱 outline:Are Cage-free Eggs the Future? --- 25 / 26
第16週教綱 outline:Does Working while Sick Really Pay Off? – 29 / 30
第17週教綱 outline:Questionnaire and Feedback
第18週教綱 outline:期末考

教學方式(%) Teaching Strategies

  •  講授  50%
  •  報告  20%
  •  討論  30%

成績評量方式(%) Grading Policy

  •  平時考 QUIZ 60%
  •  作業 Assignment 30%
  •  出席與課堂參與 Participation 10%

主要書目及參考書目 References

※Please abide by IPR, do not copy legally※
  • 主要書目 Text book1:
    書名 book:Advanced English
    作者 author:Studio Classroom
    出版社 publisher:Studio Classroom
    出版年 publishing year:2016