教學大綱 Syllabus

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106 1 EN108 03051 GRCU075 201012001 T4184

遠距教學方式 Distance learning

This is an investigation in response to Covid-19.
The actual teaching method should be based on school policies and teacher announcements. ※
待規劃...to be planned...

課程資料 Course Information

科目名稱Course英文 English
科目代碼Course NoEN108
必/選修Required / Eective必修 required subject
教師聯絡資料Contact teachers 連結 Link
(By Personal Information Act, only the public information on the department website is provided)
往年課綱Previous syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus
105-1該系所日/夜相關課綱 the department's day/night related syllabus

課程能力 Course Ability

106 1 EN108 GRCU075 201012001

課程符合指標 Course Indicators

教學內容 Course Outline

課程概述 Course Description:

This course focuses on critical reading as well as vocabulary building. Students will be led to develop strategies conducive to comprehension and vocabulary expansion. Through the instructional materials, we will engage students with important issues of the present world and prepare them for academic learning. The students are expected to become more skillful as a critical reader at the end of the semester and will thus expand their vocabulary, and improve their grammar and language usage.

教學目標 Course Objectives:

This course is intended to help students develop critical thinking and effective reading strategies. The skills will be developed through reading authentic English texts, and students will be taught in more advanced English sentence patterns. An extensive reading is added to expand their vocabularies and enhance their reading comprehension.

教學內容 Course Outline:

第01週教綱 outline:Class introduction; Ice-breaker activity
第02週教綱 outline:Unit 1: Sport and Fitness 
第03週教綱 outline:Unit 1: Sport and Fitness 
第04週教綱 outline:Holiday 
第05週教綱 outline:Unit 2: Skin deep
第06週教綱 outline:Unit 2: Skin deep
第07週教綱 outline:Unit 2/ Unit 3: Animals in Danger
第08週教綱 outline:Unit 3: Animals in Danger
第09週教綱 outline:Midterm 
第10週教綱 outline:Unit 4: Violent Earth
第11週教綱 outline:Unit 4: Violent Earth
第12週教綱 outline:Unit 4: Violent Earth
第13週教綱 outline:Unit 5: Islands and Beaches
第14週教綱 outline:Unit 5: Islands and Beaches
第15週教綱 outline:Unit 5/Unit 6: Success and Failure
第16週教綱 outline:Unit 6: Success and Failure
第17週教綱 outline:Unit 6: Success and Failure
第18週教綱 outline:Project presentation/ Class celebration 

教學方式(%) Teaching Strategies

  •  講授  40%
  •  報告  35%
  •  討論  25%

成績評量方式(%) Grading Policy

  •  小考與課堂討論  15%
  •  分組報告  25%
  •  期末考  20%
  •  出席  15%
  •  期中口考  25%

主要書目及參考書目 References

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  • 主要書目 Text book1:
    書名 book:Reading Explorer 3 
    作者 author:Nancy Douglas/David Bohlke
    出版社 publisher:Cengage Learning
    出版年 publishing year:2014
  • 參考書目 Reference book1:
    書名 book:自製教材