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106 1 CM111 07013 CHEM101 203012001 T2070

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課程資料 Course Information

科目名稱Course普通化學 General Chemistry
科目代碼Course NoCM111
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106 1 CM111 CHEM101 203012001

課程符合指標 Course Indicators

教學內容 Course Outline

課程概述 Course Description:

Chemical Principles

教學目標 Course Objectives:

University level general Chemistry

教學內容 Course Outline:

General Chemistry


Chapter 1

· An Introduction to Chemistry

· The Scientific Method


Chapter 2

· States of Matter

· Temperature

· Properties of Matter

· Early Discoveries and the Atom

· Understanding Electrons

· Understanding the Nucleus

· Describing Chemical Formulas

· Naming Chemical Compounds


Chapter 3

· Mass Spectrometry: Determining Atomic Masses

· Examining Atomic Structure

· The Mole and Avogadro’s Number

· Introducing Conversions of Masses, Moles, and Number of Particles

· Finding Empirical and Molecular Formulas

· An Introduction to Chemical Reactions and Equations

· Balancing Chemical Equations

· Stoichiometry and Chemical Equations

· Finding Limiting Reagents

· Theoretical Yield and Percent Yield

· A Problem Using the Combined Concepts of Stoichiometry


Chapter 4

· Factors Determining Solubility

· Oxidation–Reduction Reactions

· Oxidation Numbers

· Properties of Solutions

· Concentrations of Solutions

· Precipitation Reactions

· Gravimetric Analysis

· Acid–Base Reactions

· Acid–Base Titrations

· Balancing Redox Reactions by the Oxidation Number MethodBalancing Redox Reactions Using the Half-Reaction Method

· Solving Titration Problems


Chapter 5

· Comparing Real and Ideal Gases

· Properties of Gases

· Boyle’s Law

· Charles’s Law

· The Combined Gas Law

· Avogadro’s Law

· The Ideal Gas Law

· Partial Pressure and Dalton’s Law

· Applications of the Gas Laws

· The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

· Molecular Speeds

· Effusion and Diffusion


Chapter 6

· The Concept of Equilibrium

· The Law of Mass Action and Types of Equilibrium

· Converting Between Kc and Kp

· Approaching Chemical Equilibrium

· Predicting the Direction of a Reaction

· Strategies for Solving Equilibrium Problems

· Solving Problems Far from Equilibrium

· An Equilibrium Problem Using the Quadratic Equation

· Le Châtelier’s Principle

· The Effect of Changing Amounts on Equilibrium

· The Effect of Pressure and Volume on Equilibrium

· The Effects of Temperature and Catalysts on Equilibrium


Chapter 7

· Arrhenius/Brønsted–Lowry Definitions of Acids and Bases

· Trends in Acid and Base Strengths

· Hydronium, Hydroxide, and the pH Scale

· Strong Acids and Bases

· Weak Acids

· Weak Bases

· Examining Polyprotic Acids

· Acid–Base Properties of Salt Solutions


Chapter 8

· The Formation of Complex Ions

· Amphoteric Metal Hydroxides

· An Introduction to Buffers

· The Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation

· Acidic Buffers

· Basic Buffers

· Strong Acid–Strong Base and Weak Acid–Strong Base Reactions

· Strong Acid–Weak Base and Weak Acid–Weak Base Reactions

· Strong Acid–Strong Base Titration

· Weak Acid–Strong Base Titration

· Weak Base–Strong Acid Titration

· Acid–Base Indicators

· Polyprotic Acid–Strong Base Titration

· The Solubility Product Constant

· Solubility and the Common Ion Effect

· The Effects of pH on Solubility

· Fractional Precipitation


Chapter 9

· The Nature of Energy

· Energy, Calories, and Nutrition

· The First Law of Thermodynamics

· Work

· Heats of Reaction: Enthalpy

· Heat

· Constant-Pressure Calorimetry

· Bomb Calorimetry (Constant Volume)

· Hess’s Law

· Enthalpies of Formation


Chapter 10

· Spontaneous Processes

· Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

· Entropy and Temperature

· Gibbs Free Energy

· Standard Free Energy Changes of Formation

· Enthalpy and Entropy Contributions to K

· The Temperature Dependence of K

· Free Energy Away from Equilibrium


Chapter 11

· Reviewing Oxidation–Reduction Reactions

· Electrochemical Cells

· Electromotive Force

· The Activity Series of the Elements

· Standard Reduction Potentials

· Using Standard Reduction Potentials

· The Nernst Equation

· Electrochemical Determinants of Equilibria

· Batteries

· Corrosion and the Prevention of Corrosion

· The Stoichiometry of Electrolysis

· Electrolytic Cells


Chapter 12

· Understanding Electron Spin

· The Wave Nature of Light

· The Ultraviolet Catastrophe

· The Photoelectric Effect

· Absorption and Emission

· The Bohr Model

· The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

· Radial Solution to the Schrödinger Equation

· The Wave Nature of Matter

· Atomic Orbital Size

· Angular Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation

· Atomic Orbital Shapes and Quantum Numbers

· Atomic Orbital Energy

· Electron Shielding

· Creating the Periodic Table

· Electron Configurations Through Neon

· Electron Configurations Beyond Neon

· Periods and Atomic Size

· Ionization Energy

· Electron Affinity

· An Introduction to Electronegativity

· Periodic Relationships

· Hydrogen, Alkali Metals, and Alkaline Earth Metals

· Transition Metals and Nonmetals


Chapter 13

· Lewis Dot Structures for Covalent Bonds

· Valence Electrons and Chemical Bonding

· Ionic Bonds

· Using Bond Dissociation Energies

· Bond Properties

· Resonance Structures

· Predicting Lewis Dot Structures

· Formal Charge

· Electronegativity, Formal Charge, and Resonance

· Valence Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory

· Molecular Shapes for Steric Numbers 2–4

· Molecular Shapes for Steric Numbers 5 & 6

· Predicting Molecular Characteristics Using VSEPR Theory


Chapter 14

· Valence Bond Theory

· An Introduction to Hybrid Orbitals

· Pi Bonds

· Molecular Orbital Theory

· Applications of the Molecular Orbital Theory

· Beyond Homonuclear Diatomics


Chapter 15

· An Introduction to Reaction Rates

· Rate Laws: How the Reaction Rate Depends on Concentration

· Determining the Form of a Rate Law

· First-Order Reactions

· Second-Order Reactions

· A Kinetics Problem

· Defining the Molecularity of a Reaction

· Determining the Rate Laws of Elementary Reactions

· Calculating the Rate Laws of Multistep Reactions

· Steady-State Kinetics

· The Collision Model

· The Arrhenius Equation

· Using the Arrhenius Equation

· Catalysts and Types of Catalysts

· CIA Demonstration: Elephant Snot

· CIA Demonstration: The Cobalt(II)-Catalyzed Reaction of Potassium Sodium Tartrate


Chapter 16

· An Introduction to Intermolecular Forces and States of Matter

· Intermolecular Forces

· Vapor Pressure and Boiling Point

· Molecular Structure and Boiling Point

· Properties of Liquids

· Types of Solids

· Crystal Structure

· Calculating Atomic Mass and Radius from a Unit Cell

· Crystal Packing

· Band Theory of Conductivity

· Ceramics and Glass

· Intrinsic Semiconductors

· Doped Semiconductors

· Phase Diagrams


Chapter 17

· Types of Solutions

· Molarity and the Mole Fraction

· Molality

· Energy and the Solution Process

· Extractions

· Temperature Change and Solubility

· Pressure Change and Solubility

· Vapor Pressure Lowering

· Boiling-Point Elevation and Freezing-Point Depression

· Boiling-Point Elevation Problem

· Osmosis

· Colligative Properties of Ionic Solutions

· Colloid Formation and Flocculation


Chapter 18

· The Alkali Metals

· Hydrogen

· The Alkaline Earth Metals

· Aluminum

· General Properties of Carbon

· Silicon

· Nitrogen

· Phosphorus

· Oxygen

· Sulfur

· Halogens

· Aqueous Halogen Compounds

· Properties of Noble Gases


Chapter 19

· Properties of Transition Metals

· Lewis Acids and Bases

· Complexes and Ligands

· Naming Coordination Compounds

· Structures of Coordination Compounds and Isomers

· Isomers

· Color and Transition Metals

· Crystal Field Theory

· Magnetic Properties and Spin

· Ligand Field Theory


Chapter 20

· The Stability of Atomic Nuclei

· Rates of Disintegration Reactions

· Radiochemical Dating

· Binding Energy

· Nuclear Fission

· Nuclear Fusion

· Applications of Nuclear Chemistry


Chapter 21

· Organic Nomenclature

· Alkanes

· Isomers

· Alkenes and Alkynes

· Aromatic Hydrocarbons

· Alcohols, Ethers, and Amines

· Carbonyl-Containing Functional Groups

· Organic Polymers

· Proteins

· Nucleic Acids

· Carbohydrates

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