科目名稱:(中文)曲式與分析 R必修 □選修 教師:桑磊?
(英文)Form and Analysis
每學期開課學分數:上學期 2 學分 下學期 2 學分
總學分數: 4 學分 每週上課時數: 2 小時
辦公地點:藝術大樓音樂系5240 連繫電話:3318
辦公時間(Office hour):星期二14:30-17:30,星期三1:30-17:30
Students will learn the techniques and terminology needed to analyze musical forms of the Western tonal tr
adition (music of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries). The most important traditional (Classical) forms will be studied, analyzed and explained. During the second semester, song forms as well as stylistic analysis will be learned as well.
Basic techniques of analysis will be discussed, then used to analyze representative works of the tonal music repertory.
Class time will be spent discussing and using techniques to analyze music examples from various style periods. Homework will be the analysis of music. Tests, quizzes and projects will also center on the analysis of music. If needed, quizzes may also be administered.
50% = regular homework, quizzes and listening exercises
20% = midterm analysis project
30% = final test
Analytical Anthology of Music, edited by Ralph Turek (if available)
The instructor will also provide handouts and other music examples.
Tentative Weekly Course Schedule (may be changed):
1) (from Green ch. 1) Introduction: ideas of form, standard form types, musical shapes, genre, etc.
Begin discussion of motives (if time)
2) (from Green ch. 3,4) Motives and Motivic Development
3) (Green ch. 2,3,5) Phrases/Subphrases and Phrase Structures (cadences and tonality), indicating harmonic movement (open/closed sections, continuous/sectional), method for analyzing small forms: binary and ternary
4) Continue from last week, also discuss differences between rounded binary
and ternary forms, analyze 2- and 3-part forms
5) (from Green ch. 6) analyze 2- and 3-part forms
6) (from Green ch. 6, 8, 10) finish 2-part and 3-part forms (聽寫活動), start Compound Ternary
7) (from Green ch. 6, 8) Compound Ternary Form
(assign the midterm project: compound form)
8) (from Green, ch. 11, 12) Continue with Compound Ternary Form
9) Finish Compound Ternary (聽寫活動), Start Sonata Form
10) Continue Sonata Form — midterm project due
11) Continue Sonata Form
12) Finish Sonata Form (聽寫活動),
13) (from Green ch. 9) Start Rondo and Sonata-Rondo Form
14) Rondo and Sonata-Rondo
15) (from Green, ch. 13) Finish Rondos, begin concertos
(Baroque Concerto and Classical Concerto-Sonata Form)
16) Concerto-Sonata Form (聽寫活動)
17) 01/08 Concerto-Sonata, Practice and Review for the Final Exam
18) 01/15 學期考試
NOTE: “聽寫活動” indicates likely dates for in-class listening exercises, but these plans are often changed during the semester.