Academic Inquiry System



1.Before signing up for courses, please study carefully all requirements for course registration, special notices, and department curriculum.

2. Requirements and special notifications for student course registration. (Please read carefully before registering for courses.)

3.Regulation for Exemption of Freshman English and Advanced English Courses

   3.1 Requirement for Course Exemption: Freshman English To be eligible for exemption of the Freshman English course, you must submit English proficiency exam scores taken within the past 2 years. Please submit the exam score report or certificate to apply for exemption.

   3.2 Requirement for Course Exemption: Advanced English To be eligible for exemption of the Advanced English course, you must have English proficiency exam scores taken during your study at NKNU. Please submit the exam score report or certificate to apply for exemption - by “the second to last semester,” at the latest. Those who do not apply for exemption would still need to take the Advanced English course in order to fulfill degree completion.


4. General Education (Undergraduate level)

    Curriculum for General Required Courses and General Education Courses

 P.S. Each course will only be counted once toward graduation requirement. Repetitive enrollment of the same course will not be counted toward your graduation score requirement.

 5.The Music Department does not allow students outside of the department to register for its Major, Minor, and Orchestra courses.

6.The Department of Fine Arts does not allow students outside of the department (excluding students from the Visual Design Department, double majors, and minors) to register for its Painting and Printmaking courses.

7.Please double check your course registration results for correctness.

8.Go to NKNU Website Main Page → Click on the Single Sign-On button and sign in → Select Course In-Session → Click on your Course Schedule to check whether you have successfully registered for each course.

9.If there is schedule conflict with the Graduate Thesis course, please withdraw the course first. The Registrar Office will re-register you in the course afterwards.

----備註:體育"必修" 4 學分,於 110學 年度(含)前入學新生,不列入學期學業學分總數計算,自 111學年度(含)起入學新生計入畢業學分。(不含體育系及運產班)

■ 第一階段選課時間
02/03 08:00至
02/03 17:00止
■ 第二階段選課時間
02/04 08:00至
02/04 17:00止
■ 第三階段選課時間
02/05 08:00至
02/05 17:00止
■ 第四階段選課時間
02/06 08:00至
02/06 17:00止
■ 第五階段選課時間
02/07 08:00至
02/07 17:00止
■ 加、退選選課時間
02/17 09:00至
02/25 17:00止