| Anfrageformular für die Bewerbung als Beratungsprofessor | 18 | |
| National Kaohsiung Normal University master's and doctoral degree thesis format specifications | 38 | |
| Essay Format Example (Cover) | 14 | |
| Antragsformular für einen Beraterwechsel | 0 | |
| Thesis outline (or creative essay, plan) and time application review form | 12 | |
| Application form for changing the title of thesis after a graduate student passes the thesis examination | 5 | |
| Formular zur Genehmigung des Schulabbruchs für Master- und Doktoranden | 6 | |
| Curriculum for the Master’s Program, Department of Graduate Institute of Transdisciplinary Art | 40 | |
| Wichtige Punkte für das Aufbaustudium und den Abschluss am Institute of Cross-Arts (gilt für Zulassungen der 110. Klasse) | 43 | |
| Wichtige Punkte für das Aufbaustudium und den Abschluss am Institute of Cross-Arts | 86 | |
| Master Degree of Trans-Disciplinary Art Practice and Sustainable Future for In-Service Program Graduate Institute of Transdisciplinary Art | 51 | |
| Key points for postgraduate studies in the in-service postgraduate program of the Master of Cross-Art Practice and Sustainable Environment | 22 | |
| Things to note when writing a paper | 26 | |
| Application for Re-Admission | 0 | |
| Application Form Suspension of study | 4 | |
| Postgraduate day and night mutual elective course selection schedule | 11 | |