向左走.向右走 /幾米著
失樂園. IV, 魔法失靈了 /幾米著
失樂園. V, 奇蹟迷路了 /幾米著
我只能為你畫一張小卡片= Love in the cards /幾米著
小蝴蝶與小披風 = Shiny and Moony /幾米著
星星是暗夜的眼睛 = The stars are the eyes of the dark night /幾米著
森林裡的祕密 = Scerets in the woods /幾米著
世界別為我擔心 = Don't worry, be happy! /幾米著
月亮忘記了 /幾米著
藍石頭 = The Blue Stone /幾米著
相親相愛聯絡簿 = Communication log /幾米著
故事團團轉 : Stories go round on the Merry go round /幾米著
照相本子 = The moments /幾米著
不愛讀書不是你的錯= To Read or not to Read, That is My Question /幾米著
遺失了一隻貓 = Missing my cat /幾米著
擁抱 : 沒有任何一個擁抱該被忘記 = Hug /幾米著
幾米故事的開始 /幾米著
不管怎樣,今天我決定要快樂 = Come what may,today I will be happy /幾米著
忽遠忽近 = So Close yet So Far /幾米著