甜蜜的哀愁 /尼可斯 nicholls david著
但願有一天你會懂 = I hope that one day you will understand /幾米著
心中的精靈 : One day at a time therapy /亞當斯 adams chistine a著
One day /nicholls david 1966著
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich : notes /blaha franz g著
One day in Paris 帶你慢遊巴黎 /張 純絪著
一天背好狄克生成語 = Finish Dixson's idioms in one day /劉 衛榮著
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich /solzhenitsyn aleksandr isaevich 1918著
想見你 : 原著小說 = someday or one day /三鳳製作著
SAS programming : the one-day course /spencer neil著
Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich : a critical commentary /weeks albert l著