向左走.向右走 /幾米著
走向春天的下午 = One more day with you /幾米著
失樂園. II, 童年下雪了 /幾米著
小蝴蝶與小披風 = Shiny and Moony /幾米著
森林唱遊 = Singing in the forest /幾米著
故事團團轉 : Stories go round on the Merry go round /幾米著
戀之風景 = Meeting you in dreamscape /幾米著
又寂寞又美好 = Beautiful solitude /幾米著
同一個月亮 = Under the Same Moon /幾米著
黑白異境 /幾米著
不愛讀書不是你的錯= To Read or not to Read, That is My Question /幾米著
失樂園. V, 奇蹟迷路了 /幾米著
地下鐵 = Sound of colors /幾米著
相親相愛聯絡簿 = Communication log /幾米著
故事的開始 (新版) = When the story was young /幾米著
履歷表 = The private me /幾米著
失樂園. IV, 魔法失靈了 /幾米著
並不很久很久以前 = It was not a long long time ago /幾米著
我不是完美小孩 = My Litte Perfect World /幾米著