我的錯都是大人的錯 = Don't blame me, it's not my fault /幾米著
失樂園. II, 童年下雪了 /幾米著
時光電影院 = The rainbow of time /幾米著
四季 = Four Seasons /幾米著
我的心中每天開出一朵花 = A garden in my heart /幾米著
同一個月亮 = Under the Same Moon /幾米著
森林唱遊 = Singing in the forest /幾米著
戀之風景 = Meeting you in dreamscape /幾米著
我只能為你畫一張小卡片= Love in the cards /幾米著
我不是完美的小孩 = My Litte Perfect World /幾米著
我不是完美小孩 = My Litte Perfect World /幾米著
小蝴蝶與小披風 = Shiny and Moony /幾米著
星星是暗夜的眼睛 = The stars are the eyes of the dark night /幾米著
聽幾米唱歌 = Singing Jimmy /幾米著
森林裡的祕密 = Scerets in the woods /幾米著
幸運兒 = Mr. WING /幾米著
幸運遇見你 = Best of luck /幾米著
謝謝你毛毛兔,這個下午真好玩 = Thank you, furry bunny, for a wonderful afternoon /幾米著