誰說我不會畫LINE貼圖? 主題設計+繪圖+上架的達人養成書 /吳 宜瑾著
Development of line-imaging Raman spectroscopy for use with electrochemical systems [microform] /haight scott michael著
卽時通訊LINE在國小親師溝通應用之調查 /邱 汶津著
傳給美國兒媳的Line(第二集) : 達觀的,隨緣的,安命的 /黃 成權著
Finish line math /著
The lunch line /nagel karen berman著
RF and microwave coupled-line circuits /著
Joseph Conrad's Victory : and nostromo the nigger of the narcissus the shadow-line /sobol ken著
Globalization on the line : culture, capital, and citizenship at U.S. borders /著
Developmental psycholinguistics : on-line methods in children's language processing /著
Step across this line : collected nonfiction 1992-2002 /rushdie salman著
Left of the color line : race, radicalism, and twentieth-century literature of the United States /著
Against Race : imagining political culture beyond the color line /gilroy paul著
Line drives : 100 contemporary baseball poems /著
Facebook粉絲專頁與Line官方帳號的商家經營模式與策略 = Business model and strategy of Facebook fan page and Line official account /潘 姸蓁著
Drawing the line : sexual harassment on campus /hill catherine著
The ethics of inheritable genetic modification : a dividing line? /著
Creative drawing : point and line /röttger ernst著