類型: | 學位論文 |
研究生中文名: | 黃子真 |
研究生英文名: | Huanu-teu-chen |
論文中文名稱: | 特殊境遇少年返校適應研究 |
論文英文名稱: | The study of adjustment in school for Special situation Juvenile. |
指導教授: | 鍾蔚起 Wei-Chi Chung |
學位類別: | 碩士 |
院校名稱: | 國立高雄師範大學 |
系所名稱: | 教育學系 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
學號: | 610151008 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 89 |
關鍵詞: | 特殊境遇少年 |
論文中文摘要: | 本研究之目的在了解經少年事件處理法被裁定收容、感化的特殊境遇少年,自主責付選擇就學的適應狀況。特殊境遇少年帶著中斷就學的經驗,回到充滿挑戰的原生環境,就學適應歷程與少年調整狀況。 研究係奠基於質性研究中的現象學方法論,運用半結構之深度訪談進行資料收集,受訪者依據立意取樣中的標準取樣方式選取裁定責付少年。訪談者針對資料進行分析,歸納出兩個主題,分別為「責付後的就學動機」、「責付就學適應狀態」, 根據跨個案分析結果發現,列點說明如下: 1. 責付後的就學動機:主要受到家人期許、自我期許與特殊境遇處遇三方面的影響。目前社會價值觀普遍認同高學歷,少年皆表示既然可以獲取高職畢業證書,理因義無反顧繼續念。在經過司法處遇過程,隨著年齡漸長,對於未來發展也有憧憬與期待,幾經思慮後選擇有發展的科系就讀期望有不同的自我狀態。另有因為受到特殊境遇處遇讓少年獲得適切的學習機會,也使得部分少年認為是人生一個轉淚點,轉向主流價值觀生活的契機,自主選擇繼續求學。 2. 責付就學適應狀態:包含特殊境遇前的就學經驗、人際關係適應、課業學習調適。特殊境遇前的就學經驗有中輟經驗,上學就像在玩耍,個性被動,在老師要求下但仍有學習行為。責付就學的適應有分為人際關係與課業學習的適應,在人際關係方面,會想要相互包容,適度入境隨俗的心態,但也有新舊經驗衝突,認為時機未到,不與班級同學互動。在課業調適方面包含持續體驗與探索新課程、挑戰及格的成就、主動尋求資源補習,但也有學習行為複製舊模式,沒有轉換學習行為與態度等四種調適方式。 根據本研究結果,歸納出四點包括「家人與自我的期待是自主返校就學主要動機」、「特殊境遇經驗重拾少年正向的學習經驗」、「負向的就學經驗在少年生命前期就發生」、「學習成就與自我期許將影響學習續航力」等。 最後,根據研究發現對特殊境遇少年輔導,將可提供學校輔導教師擬定輔導計畫、觀護人撰寫觀護處遇,在適當輔導策略上的參考依據。
論文外文摘要: | This study aimed at understanding the adjustment in campus for special teenagers who are rule to accept and accommodate via Juvenile Accident Act. These students went back to original circumstance with interrupted learning experience. The research based on the methodology of phenomenology and utilized semi-structured in-depth interview to accumulate information. The interviewers were choosed from the person who committed the accused to the custody by purposing sampling. We concluded two subjects by analyzing these materials, and they were “the learning motivation after the custody” and “the adjustment in campus after the custody”. The results were listed below: The learning motivation after the custody:The motivation was influenced mainly by family expectation、self-expectation and special situation. People generally pursued the academic degree for social value. The teenagers all showed the wills to get the graduation certification. In the period of lawsuits, they had changed in the viewpoint of their department and expectation toward the future after the deep thought. Some teenagers acquired appropriately learning opportunities made them felt it was a turning point in their life. Then turning to main social value and keeping learning by themselve. The adjustment in campus after the custody:the affection of adjustment including the learning experience before the custody、relationship between the classmate and the studying contents. The kinds of the students had dropped out before the custody usually played in class and very were passive in studying. But the teacher asked them to do the works, they had finished them reluctantly. In the parts of relationships, they often tolerated the other people and immersed themselves into the new group, but a few one did not show friendly to the classmates. In the parts of the studying contents, the four attitudes concluded listed below:experiencing and discovering the new class、challenging for the high grades、seeking the cram school actively and doing nothing changed as before. According to this research, we concluded the four points:”the most motivation for students back to the campus were family expectation and themselves.”、”the special custody let them to find the positive learning experience. ”、”the negative learning experience formed in very young aged.” 、”the learning achievement and self-expectation will affect the learning endurance”. Finally, the counseling with the student can provide for the teacher to manipulate the counseling plan and for the probation officer to write the probation story. These can be the reference for appropriate counseling strategy.
論文目次: | 目次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 ……………..1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 處遇特殊境遇少年現行法律規定與觀護制度 8 第二節 特殊境遇少年返校生活適應相關研究 13 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究架構 22 第二節 研究參與者 23 第三節 研究者 24 第四節 研究資料蒐集與工具 26 第五節 資料處理與分析 27 第六節 研究倫理 30 第七節 可信賴檢驗 30 第八節 研究實施程序 31 第四章 研究結果與討論 33 第一節 責付後的就學動機之分析與探討 33 第二節 責付就學適應狀態與調整因素 39 第三節 綜合分析與討論 53 第四節 研究者的省思 59 第五章 結論與建議 62 第一節 結論 62 第二節 研究建議 64 參考文獻 67 附錄 70
表次 表3-1:研究參與者基本資料一覽表………………………………………………24 表3-2:逐字稿與編碼範例…………………………………………………………27 表3-3:逐字稿後跨個案內容分析…………………………………………………28 表4-1責付後的就學動機分析概念表………………………………………………39 表4-2責付就學適應狀態與調整因素分析概念表…………………………………53 圖次
圖2-1 少年事件處理流程…………………………………………………………8 圖3-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………………………23 圖3-2 研究程序圖…………………………………………………………………31 圖4-1 特殊境遇少年就學動機示意圖……………………………………………56 圖4-2 特殊境遇少年就學適應示意圖……………………………………………59
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