活動類別 執行成果 性質 競賽
計畫類別 109高教深耕計畫 1-2厚植學生基礎能力-中英文
名稱 2020 英語線上讀本閱讀與競賽
承辦單位 教務處 合辦/協辦單位
活動日期 2020-11-30~2020-12-27 活動時間 00:00~00:01
活動對象 主要對象為學生,但全校皆可參與
活動地點 Steps to choose reader
預計人數 100 參與人數 75
  • Please choose one reader at a time. Choose readers that are of you interest and level. 

  • Please remember that you can only take the quiz after completing the required 90% of the reader.  You can’t take quiz before completing 90% of the book. 

  • You can always close the reader and read it the next time. To continue reading, simply go to “My Books”, click “Continue reading” button to start from where you left off the last time. 

  • The system will track the student’s word read and reading speed from the moment the student clicks “add book” and start reading.  Please avoid flipping through a reader by clicking the “Next” button too fast, which may result in a read speed that exceeds the maximum ,300 wpm and as a result, the words read for this reader will not be counted. 

  • Suppose you are interested in reading again after the quiz is done, you can click “ Read Again”. However, by clicking “Read Again” or read it for the second time after the quiz has been taken, it will not change the words read, the percent read and the read speed. 

  • You must achieve the minimum score in order to have your words counted. Test score for the English major students: 80%.  Test score for the non-English major: 60%. 


  • If you wish to delete a reader that you are not interested in, please inform us by email (tunghua.xreading@gmail.com) by including the name of the reader, your name and student ID.

GROUP A: 英文系

螢幕快照 2020-12-28 上午9.30.26.png
GROUP B: 非英語系組

螢幕快照 2020-12-28 上午9.34.37.png

此次活動宣傳期間太短,所以 並沒有預期的參加人數,期待下次活動能多多廣為宣傳。


2020 英語線上讀本閱讀與競賽_活動
1 2020 英語線上讀本閱讀與競賽_活動
2 獲獎名單